September Bookworm Schedule

Reading is fun!TV.  If kids are entertained by two letters, imagine the fun they’ll have with twenty-six.  Open your child’s imagination.  Open a book. 

~Author Unknown

The SAD 4 kids go back to school on Wednesday… Bookworms will be starting in October after the kids get settled into their routines. Since time always goes by more quickly than expected, we’ll be organizing our bookworms soon.

One first step for bookworms (and prospective bookworms) might be to attend the PCES Open House today from 2:00 PM until 4 PM. I’ll bet our “reading couch” is already set up–last I knew it was destined to be placed in front of the library… how appropriate is that!?

Next month there won’t be any fooling here… there will be an actual reading schedule! Contact Mary Annis or Walter Boomsma if you think you’d like to be a bookworm!

It is the responsibility of every adult… to make sure that children hear what we have learned from the lessons of life and to hear over and over that we love them and that they are not alone.

— Marian Wright Edelman

Valley Grange Takes Third Place at Fair!

Valley Grange extends hands of friendship and invites you to consider joining us!

While eyeing the yellow ribbon hanging on the wall, Valley Grange Master Jim Annis complimented booth planners Mary Annis and Janice Boomsma and noted, “We’ve captured more prizes than just a ribbon! The theme this year is “many hands of the Grange and we’ve joined hands to demonstrate once again that Valley’s ‘can do’ attitude gets the job done…”

Ok, ok… that’s called “editorial license” and giving the story a “slant.” The facts are that there were only three Grange Booths in competition and South Sangerville received the first place blue ribbon; Garland Grange the second place red. And since this is OUR site, we’re allowed to slant the story and even suggest that we’re convinced we had the most fun planning and putting the booth together! The guys had some “very important jobs” during construction… and it really was a team effort.

Exhibits remain in place until Sunday… so when you visit the “fayuh” this year, stop by and see what the Grange is doing! Neighboring East Somerset Pomona also has a display and the Piscataquis Pomona booth offers information about all the Granges in the area.

While you are at the fayuh, wander through the 4-H building and check out the kid’s work… and don’t miss the special tribute to 4-H leader and volunteer Linda Whitten. Most know Linda recently lost her battle with cancer. She will be deeply missed by many and it would be more than appropriate to honor her memory by spending some time there.  An even greater honor would be to consider volunteering a few hours of time to work with 4-H… introduce yourself to a leader and get acquainted!

If distance or other factors keep you from visiting this celebration of agriculture in person, check out the daily photos being posted by Judy Wilbur Craig, visit the Fair website, or get the news at the DailyME site.

Officers Installed for 2010-2011 Grange Year

Members of area Granges recently gathered at the Garland Grange Hall for an annual installation of officers.  Grange members from South Sangerville Grange, Valley Grange in Guilford, Garland Grange, and the Piscataquis Pomona Grange started the evening with the typical grange supper for which Garland Grange is famous.

The installation of officers follows a tradition that dates back to the very beginning of the Grange as an organization. Some of the positions and titles are drawn from the old-time English estate: Master, Overseer, Stewards; some from mythology: Ceres, Pomona and Flora; and some from the world of business: Secretary, Treasurer, and Executive Committee or Board of Directors. Originally formed in the years following the American Civil War to unite private citizens in improving the economic and social position of the nation’s farm and rural population, the organization values it’s heritage while adapting to the needs of modern society.

(For a complete list of Valley Grange Officers and descriptions of the office, see the page on this site about our officers.)

State Master James Owens led a team consisting of Terri and Harriet Spencer, Linda LaBree, Mary Thomas and Glenda Barker.  Owens challenged officers to understand and fulfill the obligations of their offices and work together to “increase attendance and membership and have fun in the process!” Owens conducts the entire ceremony installing some fifteen different offices from memory and says he’s been doing so for over twenty five years.

All of the granges present spoke of their recent successes and plans for the coming year for increasing membership and serving their respective communities.  Granges within the Piscataquis Pomona are located in East Sangerville, South Sangerville, Guilford, Parkman, Dexter and Garland.  To learn more about a Grange near you call Pomona Master Bill Bemis at 924-3435 or Pomona Overseer Walter Boomsma at 876-4131.

Shaker Wisdom

During the summer trip to Massachusetts I happened upon a free newspaper called “Animal Life.”  The lead article was about the museum at Hancock Shaker Village which has “been honoring the elegant simplicity of the Shaker way of living through a living museum and animals and nature starring in the show.” I thought the poem on the cover page was good Grange “food for thought.”

A man of kindness, to his beast is kind.
Brutal actions show a brutal mind.
Remember, He who made the brute–
Who gave thee speech and reason– formed him mute.
He can’t complain; but God’s omniscient eye
Beholds thy cruelty. He hears his cry.
He was destined they servant and thy drudge,
But know this: his creator is thy Judge.

By the way, one of the things the Hancock Shaker Village is known for is the round dairy barn. It was built in 1826 and held 53 dairy cows when the Shakers lived in the community.  For a look at the barn and lots of  information, visit the Hancock Shaker Village website. But first you might want to give your pet a pat and a treat!

August September Event Schedule

Friday, August 20th — Officer Installation will be held at Garland Grange. Chicken Pie Supper at 6 PM on a donation basis, followed by Installation at 7 PM. All officers please attend… contact Jim Annis and let him know whether or not you’ll be attending.

Wednesday, August 25th — Setup Day for the Piscataquis Valley Fair Exhibit. Contact Mary Annis for more information… lots of help and items will be needed!

Sunday, August 29th — Take-down Day for the Piscataquis Valley Fair Exhibit. Contact Mary Annis for more information and the time to meet at the Fairgrounds to help!

Thursday, September 2nd — Valley Grange hosts Piscataquis Pomona Meeting at the Hall. Potluck Supper at 6 PM followed by meeting at 7 PM.

Friday, September 17th –Valley Grange Potluck Supper at 6 PM followed by our regular meeting at 7 PM. Lecturer’s program for this month will be our annual Planning Roundtable. Bring your calendar or PDA and your ideas and energy! (The special membership meeting has been rescheduled for October.)

August Bookworm Schedule

Good children’s literature appeals not only to the child in the adult, but to the adult in the child.

No, I didn’t expect to “get” anyone two months in a row; there is no Bookworm Schedule. However, as Crash Cat Boomsma demonstrates, there’s never a “bad” time to read, either! 

This is also a good time to start thinking about back-to-school and bookworming.  There will be lots of changes this year at the “big” school and having the Bookworm Program with the second and third graders  is a promise we need to keep. If you’ve never participated, check out the details and give it some thought. We can’t (and won’t) take just anyone, but if you are interested drop me an email. We typically schedule a month in advance and each shift is only an hour so you can do as little or as much as you’d like. If you’d like just to come and observe at first that’s cool, too and it’s a good first step. I’ll bet you won’t be able to resist… Whaddya say? It’ll be awesome!

Jump Starting Smart Starts

At last count, the Smart Starts Program was showing a 40% increase in families registered for assistance. And no, unfortunately there hasn’t been a 40% increase in support. There isn’t much time left, but there are lots of opportunities. There are still drop boxes in place and those intending to watch the Homecoming Parade (August 7th) can drop off donations at the Penquis Table that will be located near Shiretown Pizza on East Main Street. While there you’ll find lots of baked goods and food items for sale including a limited supply of Al’s Pizza “Peoples’ Choice” award-winning whoopee pies. 100% of the proceeds benefits the Smart Starts for students Fund.

Thanks to those Granges and Grangers who have helped with this program so far. Can we do a little more for our great kids and future community leaders? More information about the program is available from this post or go directly to the Penquis Site.

August Health Beat

“Karen’s Kolumn” is researched and written by Public Health Nurse Karen Dolley. We appreciate her support and willingness to share!

August is National Immunization Awareness Month. The goal is to increase knowledge about the importance of immunizations for infants, children, pre-teens and teens, adults, and the elderly. Schools and colleges will be reopening soon and August is a good month to remind parents to make sure their children are up to date on their immunizations.

Most vaccines are given during the first 5 to 6 years of life because children are particularly vulnerable to infection. But other immunizations are recommended during adolescent and adult years. For certain vaccines, booster immunizations are recommended throughout life. For people traveling outside the United States, vaccines against certain diseases that may be encountered in specific regions of the world are recommended.

The viruses and bacteria that cause vaccine preventable diseases and death still exist and can infect people who are not protected by vaccines. By staying up to date on the recommended vaccines, individuals can protect themselves, their families and friends, and their communities from serious life threatening vaccine preventable diseases.

At you can see and download copies of the adult immunization schedule, the childhood and adolescent Immunization schedule, and A Parents Guide To Childhood Immunization.

Most people are familiar with childhood immunizations which include a series of shots to protect against measles, polio, chicken pox, hepatitis, diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping-cough (pertussis). Additional immunizations are recommended at 11 and 12 years of age including meningitis, and a booster of diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis. The HPV vaccine is recommended for girls to protect them from the most common causes of cervical cancer. Immunizations recommended for adults include a tetanus shot every 10 years and a seasonal flu shot every year. And for persons 65 years old, a one time pneumonia shot is recommended.

At, there is information about outbreaks of vaccine preventable diseases in Maine and where these outbreaks are located. You can find this information under “Health Alerts”. Talk to your families and friends and make sure they are protected. Make sure you are up to date on your own immunizations. Plan on receiving a seasonal flu shot this year. By protecting ourselves, our families and our friends, we are also protecting the communities where we live.