Member Granges

This is a list of Community Granges within Piscataquis Pomona. Every attempt is made to keep this information current. If you have trouble contacting a member Grange, please let us know.

Cambridge Valley Grange #582
Located at 4 Main Street in Cambridge.
Master: Larry Davis, 277-4671, no email address
Secretary: Annette Campbell, no phone or email

East Sangerville Grange #177
Located on East Sangerville Road in East Sangerville.
Master: Dyan McCarthy Clark, 876-3755,
Secretary: Gail D’Agostino, no phone or email

Parkman Grange #305
Located at four corners in Parkman Village.
Master: Susan Manchester, 277-3942,
Secretary: Lynn Bosworth Van Note, 876-2315,

South Sangerville Grange #335
Located off Silvers Mills Road in Sangerville.
Master: Blaine Nuite, 924-3585, no email
Secretary: Barbara Hatch, 217-2509,

Valley Grange #144
Located at 172 Guilford Center Road, corner of Butter Street.
Master: Jim Annis, 564-0820,
Secretary: Mary Annis, 564-0820,

Wayside Grange #590
Located at 851 North Dexter Road
Master: Dave Pearson, 924-5035,
Secretary: Susan Currier, 717-6112,

Additional directories and information about Granges throughout Maine is available on the Maine State Grange Website.