Bookworm Schedule March 2013

Reading is fun!“No book is really worth reading at the age of ten which is not equally – and often far more – worth reading at the age of fifty and beyond.”

CS Lewis

March… roaring in like a lion! This is also the month we announce the winners of the Newspapers in Education advertisements… and we all start thinking of maple syrup! This is a very busy month!

Tuesday, March 5 – Mrs. Erwin will be at school to read, 9 AM.

Thursday, March 7 –  Mr. Boomsma will be at school to read, 9 AM.

Thursday, March 7 – Bookworms are invited to attend the March Pomona Grange Meeting at Valley Grange–supper at 6 PM, meeting at 7 PM.

Tuesday, March 12 –  Mrs. Bosworth will be at school to read, 9 AM.

Thursday, March 14 – Mrs. Erwin will be at school to read, 9 AM.

Monday, March 18 – Friday, March 22 is GrowME week!

Monday, March 18 – Mr. Boomsma and Mrs. Bosworth will be at school to visit with kindergarten to make animal graphs and first grade to sort and taste apples.

Tuesday, March 19, Mr. & Mrs. Boomsma, Mrs. Bosworth, and Mrs. Engstrom will be at school to visit with Second Grade to make butter and Third Grade to make dirt babies.

Friday, March 22 – Valley Grange Bookworms will be at school at 9:30 AM to present certificates to the winners of the Newspapers in Education Advertising contest!

Friday, March 22 – Valley Grange will host an “Eggstravaganza” to wrap up Agriculture Week! We’ll have a fantastic potluck supper at 6 PM (featuring egg dishes, no doubt!) and our meeting at 7 PM will include highlights of the GrowME activities from the week. The UMaine Extension “virtual chicken” will be present to show how eggs are formed… and we’re asking folks to dig around in their barns and attics to find old farm tools and implements to bring and display. Contact Mr. Boomsma for information

Tuesday, March 26 – Mrs. Bosworth will be at school to read, 9 AM.

Thursday, March 28 – Mr Boomsma will be at school to read, 9 AM.

Fudgemakers Needed!

capital_building_symbol_400_clr_9447Wednesday, March 13th is the Maine State Grange’s annual Legislative Luncheon… a day when Grangers from around the state flock to Augusta to meet informally with legislators to discuss and promote agriculture and our rural communities. One highlight of the day is the “Fudge Fest” that Grangers provide–apparently our legislators can’t resist sweets! If you’d like to help “sweeten up” our legislators, make some fudge and contact Valley Grange members Jim and Mary Annis who will be representing us in Augusta that day. Give them a call at 564-0820 to arrange for them to get your fudge or for more information.

February 2013 Health Beat

If you’re feeling sad, it might be SAD!

Karen’s Kolumn is written by Karen Dolley, R.N. and Grange Friend… we appreciate her knowledge and her willingness to share!

Now that the holidays are over, are you feeling sad? Many people also feel sad this time of the year due to the short winter days and the cold winter temperatures.

The “winter blues” are very common. Winter blues are often related to something very specific like a stressful holiday season, a slump after the activities and fun of the holidays have ended, or reminders of loved ones that could not be with us for the holidays. The winter blues usually clear up in a short period of time without any treatment.

Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, is a clinical diagnosis that is related to the shortening of daylight hours. It occurs more often in women than in men and usually develops in a person’s early twenties. SAD follows a regular pattern appearing each year as the seasons change and going away several months later, usually in the spring or summer. SAD is more common in northern parts of the United States. SAD can lead to a very gloomy outlook. People can feel worthless, hopeless, and irritable. They may lose interest in activities they have previously enjoyed. People with SAD tend to have low energy levels, sleep a lot, crave comfort foods high in carbohydrates, and gain weight. With children, watch for feelings of low self-esteem, difficulty concentrating on school work, and low grades.

Begin by discussing your symptoms or your child’s symptoms with your doctor. Light therapy is often recommended for treatment of SAD. Try to begin light therapy in the fall before the symptoms of SAD begin. Light therapy does not work for everyone. Certain antidepressants and counseling have been shown to be effective for the treatment of SAD as well.

Other things you can do at home include eating a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables, getting enough sleep, trying to get outside more-even on cloudy days, trying to exercise more often, and spending time with friends and in group activities.

If you notice symptoms of SAD in yourself or symptoms of depression in your child, TAKE IT SERIOUSLY!! Get help RIGHT AWAY if you or your child have any thoughts about harming yourselves or others. Call the toll-free Suicide Prevention Crisis Lifeline at 1-888-568-1112.

For more information about the winter blues, SAD, or depression in children visit,,, or

Webmaster’s note: For those in the local area, we have a great local suicide prevention resource in the JD Foundation located in Abbot, Maine. Check out their website, find them on Facebook, or give them a call!