Business Meeting Friday, May 4th!

Just a quick reminder that we have a business meeting scheduled for this coming Friday, May 4th. As usual with these “extra” meetings we won’t have a potluck… most of our business will be regarding our Open House and Community Citizen Night later this month (May 18th). We also need to do a little cleaning and take inventory of kitchen supplies, so those who can come early and do a job or two, please do! We are really expecting a crowd for this meeting and we need to be prepared!

May 2012 Health Beat

Karen’s Kolumn is written by Karen Dolley, R.N. and Grange Friend… we appreciate her knowledge and her willingness to share! This month’s topic is especially timely and important… it’s prom season!

Plans for Prom 2012, are being finalized at many of our local high schools. Prom should be a time of fun-dancing, laughter, and a celebration of friendships! But, it is also a very dangerous time.

 Teens… tell family members what your plans are ahead of time and call if you change your plans or if you need help. Make sure your cell phone is charged. Never drink and drive. Automobile accidents are the leading cause of deaths among teenagers and about one third of the deaths are alcohol related. Never get in a car with an impaired driver and never let anyone else get in a car with an impaired driver. Remember, drinking is associated with many other problems including physical and emotional violence, sexual mistakes and misjudgments leading to unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases, and accidents like drowning and falls. Never leave a drink unattended and never accept a drink from someone else. Always wear a seat belt-70% of teens killed during prom are not wearing their seat belts. If someone has passed out, call 911-it may save their life. Make a plan with your friends to check up on each other during the night. If you are going to go to an after prom party, make sure it is going to be supervised by an adult. Trust your instincts! If you feel uncomfortable, something may not be right. Leave immediately!

Parents… if you can afford the expense, rent a limo. This will reduce the chances of a teen driving while drowsy or under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Talk to your teen often about the consequences of sex and drug and alcohol use. Get to know or call the parents of your teens date to discuss the arrangements for prom with them. Set up times for your teen to call and check in-after the prom, upon arrival at an after prom party, and before heading home. Reinforce with your teen that it is OK to call in at anytime for any reason. Remember, underage drinking is illegal. Never offer alcoholic beverages to a minor. Never host a party where alcoholic beverages are served to minors.

Make smart decisions. Stay safe. Have fun.

For more information, visit or


Bookworm Schedule May 2012

Reading is fun!“The reading of all good books is like conversation with the finest men of the past centuries.”

 – Descartes

 Tuesday, May 1 – Mrs. Erwin will be at school at 9 AM

Thursday, May 3 – Mr. Bosworth will be at school at 9 AM

Friday, May 4 – Valley Grange Business Meeting at 7 PM

Tuesday, May 8 – Mr. Boomsma will be at school at 9 AM

Thursday,  May 10 – Mrs. Erwin will be at school at 9 AM

Tuesday, May 15 – Mrs. Marsh will be at school at 9 AM

Thursday, May 17 – Mr. Boomsma will be at school at 9 AM

Friday, May 18 –Valley Grange Open House/Community Citizen Night–community potluck supper at 6 PM, meeting at 7 PM.

Tuesday, May 22 – Mr. Boomsma will be at school at 9 AM

Wednesday, May 22 – PCES Third Grade Performing Arts Demonstration at 6 PM in the PCES gym.

Thursday, May 24 – Mrs. Bosworth will be at school at 9 AM

Thursday, May 24 – PCES Grade 4 – 6 Concert 6 PM at PCES gym

Tuesday, May 29th – Mr. Boomsma will be at school at 9 AM

Thursday, May 31 – Mrs. Bosworth will be at school at 9 AM

Art by Caroline Goggin

Hug Your Library!

April 8 through April 14 is National Library Week! Why not visit your local public library… for some ideas on how to make it a family outing check out the American Library Association website. Start a family tradition by making regular family dates at the library. Where else in the community can you spend time with the whole family in a place that has something for everyone…for free?

Well, besides the Grange!?

April 2012 Health Beat

Karen’s Kolumn is written by Karen Dolley, R.N. and Grange Friend… we appreciate her knowledge and her willingness to share!

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month. The hope is to reduce the number of accidents caused by distracted driving by raising awareness and promoting education. Distracted driving is any activity that diverts a driver’s attention away from driving. All distractions are dangerous to the driver, to any passengers, and to bystanders. Distractions include using a cell phone while driving, texting while driving, eating and drinking while driving, adjusting a radio or a CD player while driving, reading maps while driving, and using a navigation system while driving.

Distracted driving is a leading factor in fatal and serious injury crashes. Cell phone use has grown a lot in recent years and has caused an increase in cell phone use while driving. Cell phone use is a factor in nearly one in four crashes. Brain activity used for driving is decreased by 39% if a driver is talking on a cell phone. Hands free devices have not been shown to provide any safety benefit. Instead, the driver’s attention is focused on the cell phone conversation.

Because text messaging requires visual, manual, and cognitive attention from the driver, it is considered the most dangerous distraction. American teens send and receive an average of 3300 text messages every month. That is more than 6 texts for every hour they are awake! Texting may cause a driver to look away from the road for 4.6 seconds. At 55 miles/hour a vehicle can travel the length of a football field, all while the driver is not looking. Texting while driving increases your chances of a crash by up to 23 times. Drivers who type or read messages while driving contribute to at least 100,000 crashes each year.

In 2009, 5,474 people were killed and 448,000 were injured due to distracted driving. Sixteen percent of fatal crashes in 2009 involved reports of distracted driving.

In Maine, there is a ban on all cell phone use-handheld and hands free-for new drivers. There is a ban on texting while driving for all drivers. It is against the law in Maine to drive while distracted. If you are traveling out-of-state, be sure to check the laws in each state.

People realize that distracted driving is dangerous but they continue driving while talking on cell phones and while texting. Recommendations include turning off your cell phone while driving so that you will not be tempted to answer a call. Ask your passengers to turn off their cell phones as well. Pull over to the side of the road, stop, and park if you can safely do this. Never text while driving. Always drive defensively. At any one time, 9% of drivers on the road are talking on cell phones making them four times as likely to crash, maybe into you.   

For more information about distracted driving visit or

Webmaster note: You can find some additional resources on the GrowME Blog–a great program (with lots of free resources) produced by AT&T called, “Your Last Text Message.”