Bookworm Schedule — March 2014

Reading is fun!

“Don’t ask me who’s influenced me. A lion is made up of the lambs he’s digested, and I’ve been reading all my life.”

Charles de Gaulle

March is a busy month! Newspapers in Education winners will be announced and ads will be published, GrowME and ag week will be the third week, lots going on at school… and lots of books being started–and finished too!

Tuesday, March 4 – Mrs. Kimball will be at school to read, 9 AM.

Thursday, March 6 – Mr. Erwin will be at school to read, 9 AM.

Tuesday, March 11 – Mrs. Kimball will be at school to read, 9 AM.

Thursday, March 13 – Mr. Lange will be at school to read, 9 AM.

Monday, March 17 — We start collecting “Coups for Troops” at PCES! Bring your clipped coupons to the school and deposit them in the collection bin! We’ll send them to military families stationed overseas as a message of support.

Tuesday, March 18 – Mrs. Bosworth will be at school to read, 9 AM.

 Thursday, March 20 – New Bookworm Mrs. Callaway will be at school to read, 9 AM.

Friday, March 21 – Mr. Boomsma and some Valley Grangers/Bookworms will be at school to announce the winners of the Newspapers in Education Contest… assembly at 2 PM in the PCES cafeteria!

Friday, March 21 – Valley Grange Potluck Supper at 6 PM, meeting at 7 PM.

GrowME logoMonday, March 24 –  Friday, March 28 is Agriculture Week!

Tuesday, March 25 – Mr. Boomsma will be at school to sort and taste apples with First Graders and to make animal graphs with Kindergarterners starting at 8:30 AM.

Tuesday, March 25 – Mrs. Bosworth will be at school to read, 9 AM.

Wednesday, March 26 – Two winning ads from the Newspapers in Education Contest will be published in the Piscataquis Observer Special Supplement.

Thursday, March 27 – Mr. Lange will be at school to read, 9 AM.

Friday, March 28 – Mr. Boomsma will be at school to make butter with Second Graders starting at 8:30 AM.

Friday, March 28 – Mrs. Boomsma will be at school to make dirt babies with Third Graders starting at 9:25 AM.

Friday, March 28 – is the big GrowME celebration at Valley Grange! We’ll have a community potluck supper at 6 PM and a program celebrating agriculture and GrowME at 7 PM. Parents, kids, teachers, volunteers… everyone is welcome to come join the fun!


Health Beat – February 2014


Dr. Lesley Fernow writes a column called “Senior Matters” for the Piscataquis Observer in Dover Foxcroft. Valley Grange is privileged to have permission to use her past columns for our  “Health Beat” Feature and for the information to be reposted to the Maine State Grange website. Address your questions or comments  to, 207-992-6822. Please note that information is general in nature and specific questions should be addressed to your health care professional.

I often hear people joking about middle age “senior moments,” as though this is something to be expected as we age.  Behind these jokes is a natural worry:  am I developing dementia?  While it is true that our memory declines as we age, experts in aging have discovered that there are straightforward ways to delay this process and improve quality of life.

Since aging of the brain is closely related to cardiovascular health, the most important strategies involve maintaining heart health.  This means controlling blood pressure, exercising regularly, and controlling weight and cholesterol.  Preventive practices focused on these areas not only prevent heart attacks and stroke, but also are likely to reduce risk of developing cognitive (thinking and memory) decline substantially.

Other important brain health tools include eating a “heart healthy” diet, often also called a “Mediterranean diet”.  This means eating mostly plant-based food: fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts and legumes and seasoned with spices and herbs instead of salt.  Fats should be limited to olive or canola oil.  Fish and seafood should be eaten at least twice a week, and poultry, eggs, cheese and yogurt should be eaten in moderate portions occasionally.  Meat and sweets should be eaten not more than a few times a month.  An optional glass of red wine once a day (not more) may also protect.   Following such a diet has been shown to reduce Alzheimer’s disease by 40% as well as heart attacks, strokes, cancer, and Parkinson’s disease.

Other important factors in maintaining brain health include getting adequate sleep, reducing stress, and “exercising the brain” by increasing social interactions, especially conversation.

We will be exploring some of these factors in more detail in future columns.  Next column we will address the health benefits of growing and eating fresh vegetables and local resources.